Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Fall of the House of Usher

The melancholy house was a very suspicious manor, when you are around the manor you get a very sullen feeling. The environment around the house can be described as very desolate and had a look of countenance. The house has a lurid moat that runs all of the way around the house, with a small bridge that connects land from outside the moat to the house. The shrubs and plants that surround the house were rank and sedge covered the lawn. The house had the quality of antiquity. The narrator told us of a story of a sojourn at the Ushers house for a few weeks. The Usher family did not have any descents that were still alive. All of them died of diseases many years ago. Roderick Usher sent him a importunate letter. Roderick and the narrator talk for a while. The narrator finds out that Roderick has an acute illness and seeing his lost friend gave alleviation to his malady. The doctors that treat him do not know what the full problem of his disease is. The agitation inside Usher is building as the days went on and on. Usher was pretty much not affected to the senses and to the sight, even though his condition. After seeing his sister, Usher is appalled and he died of shock. The fissure in the house got bigger and bigger and eventually collapsed into a discernible mess at the end of the story.

My favorite Quote in the story is when Usher hears the voice of his sister. He is the only one that hears this, not even the narrator can hear this voice. This is my favorite quote because it really shows how closely related Usher was to his sister.

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