1. The story was written by Jeannie Morris and published in 1971
2.This story is to tell a relationship about Brian piccolo talking about his fight against cancer, after his death this novel talks about how he became what he is, a special football player.
3."So I assumed what that whatever she knew wasn't very good. Don't cry, I remember telling her. You gotta bounce up, its a league rule." This is my favorite quote from the narrator because it tells the
other readers about his families love for him. After writing the book it touched millions of people on how to be compassionate with cancer, fighting it will help all people.
4.Carcinoma - A cancer arising in the epithelial tissue of the skin or of the lining of the internal organs.
Content - In a state of peaceful happiness
Referendum - A general vote by the electorate on a single political question that has been referred to them for a direct decision.
Dilatory - Slow to Act
Sustainability - the property of being sustainable
5.I like the book a lot, talking about how this football player tries to survive cancer. With his family on his side he dies in peace with their love and support. I wonder why they couldn't cure him but the cure probly wasn't made for it or there wasn't enough time.
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